Thursday, April 30, 2009

Time for the Tropics

Just finished this lush, juicy painting of a tropical waterfall. It really felt good to smoosh the paint around after the careful portrait work!

Here is Tropic Falls, 11" x 14", available in my Etsy shop and on Ebay.


On a Whimsey said...

I really like this one! Vibrant and is that wild birdsong I can hear? ;)

storybeader said...

love the reds and purples. Wouldn't expect them in an outdoor painting, but they look fabulous!

Lisabongzee ~ Island Dream Life said...

Love this painting. I can actually HEAR the waterfall!

Derek Collins said...

Thanks! More than anything the painting a day has pushed me to be more consistant in producing work.
It is often hard to get motivated when sales are slow.